True Sacrifice

True Sacrifice


Who built the cathedrals of Europe? No one knows, and that is the point. They were built anonymously. Their work was an expression of the builders’ religious practice. To have it recognized would have offended the intention of their devotion. 

Sacrifice remains essential to religious practice in general and for The Act of Consecration in particular. The word ‘sacrifice’ is often used outside the context of religious practice. We can grasp its religious meaning through comparison with its commonplace usage.

The Aim of Christianity

The Aim of Christianity

A Contemplation for Advent

From the top of a mountain we can see the lay of the land. We see where we are in relation to where everything else is. Finding a place to stand to gain perspective is something we continually practice in the course of our day. Our stance allows us to determine how we are to order the space around us for which we are responsible.

How do we gain perspective in the course of time?